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Dink Smallwood Download

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Download Dink Smallwood

Dink Smallwood  Download Dink starts out as an ordinary pig farmer, if pig farmers are ordinary. When his father disappears, Dink is left behind in a small village with his mother. Somehow, as he is outside, his house burns down, killing his mother. He is then told to go out of his village, into the world to find his aunt, and start living a new life with her. Along the way, he hears of a powerful and sinister group known as the Cast whose nefarious deeds are threatening the kingdom. Dink eventually makes it his quest to defeat this mysterious cabal. This game was once sold in stores, but is now available at no cost to you as freeware! That's a great thing since Dink Smallwood has developed something of a cult following as a hilarious adventure game that provides many hours of top-notch playing fun. One of the unique features of Dink is its abilities to run Dink Modules (DMOD's) for unlimited adventure. Dink Edit is included with the game so you can make your own adventures!

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