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Download DC++

DC++ Download Nowadays, the Internet comes down to social networking and file sharing, so an app that facilitates both of them, while also keeping them intertwined is quite useful. DC++ is a software solution that aims to make the whole file sharing experience a lot more pleasant, allowing users to exchange files using the Direct Connect protocol and start conversations within the hubs they access. The installer is just basic, so clicking Next and accepting the default settings should be enough. However, after this, one might require some computer knowledge to be able to start using the program. First of all, DC++ requires the user to type in an username, pick the Internet connection type and share some files. Most hubs have imposed sharing limits, so users will not be able to enter certain sharing channels unless they share the required amount of data. Secondly, the download folders need to be specified, be them for temporary or completed files, just to be sure everything is organized and easy to locate. In case this step is skipped, DC++ automatically creates two default folders, one for each type of download. The interface is very clean and simple, which means that, once users get used to it, everything will work smoothly. The Settings window gives access to a wide range of options, but they are best handled by experts as erroneous modifications can result in poor performance. Pros can adjust the bandwidth limitation, configure the proxy and the queue list, customize the colors displayed within the main window and the chat, and select the notifications one prefers. Another benefit of DC++ is that it is a friendly app when it comes to hardware requirements, as it does not stress the PC even when downloading large files at high speeds. All in all, DC++ remains the most appropriate tool to experiment with the Direct Connect protocol and although there are a lot of tools out there meant to provide nicer interfaces and more advanced features, this one remains a top choice in all the fields.

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