Downloadcounter: 3506
Date added: 11/18/2009
Xvid player is designed for watching movies on PC computer, saved in different formats of Windows system, e.g. avi, mpeg, asf. Excellent for playing movie files, compressed with DivX codecs.
These codecs guarantee high fidelity of picture, and small size of place needed for keeping movies in this format. That's why compressing DVD movies to DivX format, often seven-times smaller size of regular CD-R disc, is so popular today.
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2897
Date added: 11/15/2009
BS Player is the first movie player ever to enable its users to focus on watching the movie instead of dealing with poor computer capabilities or running around looking for a proper setting and codec. Also, it has very low CPU and RAM requirements.
English, Nederlands
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2876
Date added: 10/14/2012
MPlayer may not be the most attractive player in the world, but like in VLC Media Player, this little app hides a great potential under its dull design. With MPlayer you won't have to cross your fingers and hope you have the right codec every time you open a media file on your computer. MPlayer is a simple yet great media player that supports more than 192 video and 85 audio codecs natively, which means it'll probably be able to open just about anything you throw at it. Like I said, the interface in MPlayer is not exactly brilliant. It's quite basic, almost minimalist. But the program includes a plethora of great features to make up for it: fast response when playing videos, very low on system resources, support for subtitles, ability to take screenshots and much more, plus an extensive support for keyboard shortcuts.
English, Nederlands
| License:
Open Source | Platform: Windows, Linux, Mac
Downloadcounter: 2464
Date added: 02/26/2010
The media player that fills all your needs. It can handle DVDs, (S)VCDs, Audio CDs, web streams, TV cards and much more. You don't need to keep track of a dozen codec packs you need to have installed. VLC has all codecs built-in. It comes with support for nearly all codec there is.
And what is more it can even play back the file or media if it is damaged! Missing or broken pieces are no stop to VLC, it plays all the video and audio information that's still intact.
English, Nederlands
| License:
Open Source | Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux
Downloadcounter: 2424
Date added: 11/16/2009
QuickTime Alternative will allow you to play QuickTime files (.mov, .qt, .3gp and other extensions) without having to install the official QuickTime Player. It also supports QuickTime content that is embedded in webpages.
As a bonus, Internet Explorer will play all QuickTime movies that are embedded in a webpage. You do need a media player that is capable of playing QuickTime files. The included Media Player Classic supports it and works very well. The QuickTime Browser plugin supports Internet Explorer, Opera, Netscape and Mozilla. The QuickTime plugins include iPIX and QuickTimeVR.
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2390
Date added: 11/16/2009
Winamp is a free multimedia player made by Nullsoft. It supports numerous audio and video formats. It also plays streamed video and audio content, both live and recorded, authored worldwide. It has an extremely customizable media library, and allows you to rip and burn your favorite music CDs.
Winamp has thousands of skins and plug-ins that allow you to change the look-and-feel of the player, as well as add new features. The player also has access to thousands of free songs, videos and online radio stations from SHOUTcast Radio and AOL Radio with XM.
English, Nederlands
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2374
Date added: 02/26/2010
JetAudio plays various music and video files. Features included are: CD Burning, Recording, and File Conversion. You can create Internet Broadcasts with JetCast. JetAudio plays most major file formats and various video or audio tracks. You can even convert audio files to various formats.
A special feature is Video conversion which can make video files compatible for your portable devices such as iPOD or PSP. Other features include: sound effects (Wide, Reverb, and X-Bass), multichannel sound output, speed control for audio playback, cross-fading, skin changes, and synchronized lyric display for MIDI and MP3s.Download Video from Youtube.
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2293
Date added: 02/26/2010
GOM Media Player also known as GOM Player (Gretech Online Movie Player) is a freeware multimedia player that has the most popular audio and video codecs built in.
The formats that are being supported by GOM Player are the following: AMR, EVRC, Vorbis, QCELP - those are some of the formats supported for audio and for video codecs we can find: AVI, WMV, MS MPEG4 V1/2/3, FLV1, MJPEG, DivX, XviD, MPEG-1, MPEG-4, H263(+), H.264(AVC1), MSVIDC, ASF and many others.
You will love a special function of GOM Media Player that is being able to play .AVI files that are being downloaded or have a broken index by using its patended technology ( it is playing damaged file by skipping the damaged frames ).
It has a lot of other features that includes enhanced filter rendering, overlay mixer, real time index rebuilding for .AVI files, HTTP streaming, drag and drop support, editable skins, subtitling ( Bitmap Sub/Idx(Vobsub), embedded subtitles of ASF, MKV, ...
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2283
Date added: 11/18/2009
Is a robust Media and DVD Front-End Player. Zoom Player was designed to be simple at first glance while being remarkably dynamic and flexible when used to its full potential.
Zoom Player works in two modes. A Media mode which can play any file supported by DirectShow (any file which plays in MediaPlayer) and a DVD mode which uses pre-installed DirectShow DVD filters to play DVD content. While some of the settings may seem intimidating, you can rest assured that the on-line help covers each function in detail. Be it Keyboard, Mouse or Remote Control, Zoom Player was designed for you.
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2230
Date added: 11/16/2009
Will allow you to play RealMedia files without having to install the official RealPlayer. You do need a media player that is capable of playing RealMedia files.
The included Media Player Classic supports it. Supported are RealAudio (.ra .rpm), RealVideo (.rm .ram .rmvb), RealText (.rt), and ReadPix (.rp). Not fully supported are: Streaming smil files (.smi .smil) and Realmedia embedded in webpages.
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2225
Date added: 11/15/2009
Ace DivX Player is the most convenient and handy divx player, it focus on play and manager your local media files: Divx, Mpeg, Mpv, Mpa, Mp3, Mp4, Avi, Asf, CDA(Audio-CD), DAT(Video-CD) etc.
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2032
Date added: 11/16/2009
Looking for an alternative video player? Twins Video Player plays video in several formats, including the popular DivX, and AVI, aswell as MP3 audio files.
The program includes support for 20 different subtitle formats and sports a friendly interface, including a playlist. In addition to the usual bells and whistles like play jump and random play, Twins Video Player also lets you block the kiddies from viewing inappropriate content.
English, Nederlands
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows