Downloadcounter: 2158
Date added: 10/19/2009
TrayBar is a program launcher, you can add programs, folders, etc. You can also create sub menus in wich you can place even more programs and folders
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2298
Date added: 10/19/2009
Is a program wich runs files (File launcher). You can create menu's and submenu's with it.
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2544
Date added: 10/19/2009
Desktop Sidebar provides you with instant access to the information you most desire by grabbing data from your PC and the internet. The result is a dynamic visual display you configure and control.
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2895
Date added: 10/19/2009
Codename: Dashboard is an application that docks to the side of your screen and acts as a host for interchangeable components. Through these components, you can have access to any information you want on your screen, all the time.
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows