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Download Free Calculators

Ben je op zoek naar een goede rekenmachine? Download hier gratis een goede rekenmachine om te gebruiken op je computer. Je vind hier allerlei standaard rekenmachines en valuta conversie programma's. Maar ook uitgebreide wetenschappelijke rekenmachines met geavanceerde wiskundige functies.

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Downloadcounter: 2395
Date added: 11/16/2009
pmaCalc combines a scientific calculator, binary arithmetik for programmers, and unit converter in an interesting package.
English | License: Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2498
Date added: 11/16/2009
EuroCalc is a free calculator and currency converter, Stays on top option, Copy and Paste functions, Decimals place adjustement, Knows Euroland currencies.
English | License: Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2578
Date added: 11/16/2009
SkinCalc is a free skinnable calculator with more than 100 different skins available for download.
English | License: Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2654
Date added: 11/16/2009
AB-Euro is the Free Currency Calculator for your desktop. You may convert between all Euro-based and 35 foreign currencies.
English | License: Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 2790
Date added: 11/16/2009
RF21 for Windows is a scientific calculator, plotter, programming and numeric system in one. It allows for permanent installation of a user's own commented functions and libraries. Such user functions may have one or several arguments and values. Works as an archive at the same time, with integrated searchable database, to let you find and reuse materials created years ago. Each function self-reassembles when its name is called, autonomously searching the libraries for all components needed. Predefined functions include gamma, zeta, psi and Bessel functions, error integral, cumulative Binomial distribution and more. On top of these and the user libraries, the program's numeric and plotting capabilities can be used, including: Numeric derivation and integration, Monte Carlo simulations, linear equations, matrix inversion and eigenvalues, nonlinear equation systems, n-dimensional function minimizer (Dennis Schnabel method), Runge Kutta method for (systems of) differential equations,...
English | License: Open Source | Platform: Windows
ESBCalc hot!
Downloadcounter: 3436
Date added: 11/16/2009
ESBCalc is a Scientific Calculator for Windows with Infix Notation, Brackets, Scientific Functions (Trigonometric, Hyperbolic, Logarithmic) plus more.
English | License: Freeware | Platform: Windows
Calc 98 hot!
Downloadcounter: 4074
Date added: 11/16/2009
Version 5.6 available, A powerful scientific calculator with statistics and financial functions, but it doesn't take up very much screen space
English | License: Freeware | Platform: Windows
Excalibur hot!
Downloadcounter: 4630
Date added: 11/16/2009
Excalibur is a freeware full-featured RPN-only calculator with 300 functions (scientific, business, conversion, computer science, physics, complex numbers, geometry, vectors, etc), full 4 or 8-level stack, international support for different comma and decimal point formats, programmable, macros, registers, custom button banks, etc. It's difficult to find a freeware calculator so powerful!
English | License: Freeware | Platform: Windows
FreeCalc hot!
Downloadcounter: 5498
Date added: 11/16/2009
FreeCalc is a great replacement for your existing Windows calculator. it is the standard Windows calculator but with much more options.
English | License: Freeware | Platform: Windows

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