Downloadcounter: 2649
Date added: 09/02/2009
Wurdz is text analyzer for writers, examines a written document and displays statistics. See the frequency of words used, the word count, character count, unique words, per% of unique words in the document.
| License:
Freeware | Platform: Windows
Downloadcounter: 1863
Date added: 07/15/2012
ASAP Utilities promises to simplify and speed up the experience of working with Microsoft's Excel spreadsheet program. By providing dozens of simply applied options, it's certain to gain fans among frequent Excel users. ASAP Utilities' interface will be familiar to frequent Excel users. The program is embedded into the spreadsheet program along the top row of commands, next to Excel's Help option. You navigate it with expandable menus that look very much like other Excel menus. There's a small Help file, but we recommend simply experimenting with the functions. The 21 options include Text, Columns, Numbers, Formulas, and several more. Clicking a topic showcases several related options in menu style as well. For example, within the Favorites and Shortcuts option, users can pick from 20 specific choices including resizing, coloring, and copying. You apply your choices by inputting specific cell numbers and other data, and ASAP Utilities quickly converts your spreadsheet....
| License:
Andere | Platform: Windows